Eva Persson named Managing Director of Cloetta Fazer Sverige AB

Eva Persson named Managing Director of Cloetta Fazer Sverige AB

Eva Persson (43) has been appointed Managing Director of Cloetta Fazer Sverige
AB, the Cloetta Fazer Group's subsidiary in Sweden. Based on her current
position as Commercial Director, she is well acquainted with both the company
and the market. 

Eva Persson has longstanding experience of fast-moving consumer goods. After
joining Cloetta Fazer as Commercial Director in 2006, she has successfully led
the company's sales operations and relationship-building with the retail trade.
Before coming to Cloetta Fazer she worked for 12 years at Coca-Cola Drycker
Sverige AB, as Marketing Director and in various senior sales positions.

Eva Persson will complete ongoing commercial projects in Cloetta Fazer Sverige
AB during the spring and will step up as Managing Director on 1 June 2008. Until
that time, the Group's Deputy Managing Director Curt Petri will function as
Managing Director of the company. In connection with her promotion, Eva Persson
will also become a member of Cloetta Fazer's Group Management Team. 

“I am very pleased to have an individual with Eva Persson's skill and experience
in charge of our operations in Sweden. For us, the ability to grow and develop
our strong brands and foster collaboration with the retail trade is vital. Eva's
in-depth knowledge of the company and the business will enable her to guide the
company toward the goals that lie ahead in the Swedish market,” says CEO Jesper

Cloetta Fazer has a strong position in the Nordic confectionery market with
brands like Karl Fazer, Kexchoklad, Dumle, Geisha, Salta Katten, Center and
Polly. Sales of Cloetta Fazer's brands have grown rapidly in recent years,
creating a need for additional capacity in the company's chocolate production.
As previously announced, Cloetta Fazer has therefore decided to invest in two
new chocolate moulding lines, one at the Ljungsbro plant in Sweden and one at
the Vantaa plant in Finland. This will provide the means for a continued focus
on the strong brands and greater efficiency in the existing chocolate

In October 2007 Cloetta Fazer acquired the Swedish confectionery company AB
Karamellpojkarna, the third largest supplier of throat lozenges in Sweden. The
company's Extra Starka Original brand is Sweden's top-selling product in the
throat lozenge segment.

“It will be an exciting and interesting challenge for me. Our goal is to further
strengthen our position as Sweden's leading confectionery company, with a strong
brand portfolio and products that are made close to the consumers in our own
production facilities. I look forward to working side-by-side with our entire
organisation in Sweden to realize this ambition,” says Eva Persson.

For more information contact 
Jesper Åberg, Managing Director and CEO, mobile +46 70-180 21 01 
Eva Persson, Managing Director/Commercial Director, mobile +46 768-84 66 01
Website: www.cloettafazer.com

About Cloetta Fazer
Cloetta Fazer is the Nordic region's leading confectionery company, with a
market share of around 22 per cent. The company has production facilities in
Sweden and Finland. Cloetta Fazer's strength lies in its many popular brands,
such as Karl Fazer, Kexchoklad, Dumle, Geisha, Polly and Center. The average
number of employees is around 1,600 and annual sales in 2006 amounted to
approximately SEK 3 billion.

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