CDMA Subscribership Reaches More Than 431 Million Around the Globe

APAC, Africa and the Middle East are Fastest-Growing Regions

COSTA MESA, Calif., Feb. 27, 2008 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- The CDMA Development Group (CDG) today announced that CDMA subscribership continued its strong growth through the end of Q4 2007. Total subscribers grew to more than 431 million, and CDMA2000(r) grew to more than 417 million. The Asia-Pacific (APAC) region added the most net subscribers, and Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) grew the fastest by percentage. CDMA's overall growth rate demonstrates that its performance and suitability across deployment scenarios -- especially emerging markets -- are compelling to operators who want to offer lucrative services over the most advanced and affordable technology.

"CDMA's attributes, including voice quality, speed and lower total cost of ownership, continue to drive its proliferation across the globe," said James Person, chief operating officer for the CDG. "Operators who want to meet subscriber demand with compelling and affordable services have recognized the technology's long list of benefits. Especially in Asia Pacific, Africa and the Middle East, where the markets vary from sparsely populated rural villages to densely populated urban centers, CDMA's performance and flexibility meet most operators' network demands."

CDMA2000 subscribership among the 250 networks worldwide grew 16% in 2007, including strong sales figures for broadband EV-DO devices and services. The EV-DO subscriber base grew from 55 million to 90.5 million in 2007, achieving a compound annual growth rate of more than 64%.

APAC and North America claimed the majority of customers, with 49% and 32% of the global market, respectively. APAC added 6.2 million in Q4 2007 to reach 211 million subscribers, making it the largest net growth region in the world. North America alone has more than 137 million CDMA subscribers. APAC and EMEA saw the greatest year-over-year growth, with 24% and 60%, respectively. Other highly-concentrated regions for CDMA are India with more than 61 million subscribers, China with 42 million, and Indonesia with 14 million. In addition, more and more operators in emerging countries are reaching the one-million CDMA subscriber mark. For example, Angola's Movicel, Morocco's WANA, Starcomms of Nigeria, PTCL in Pakistan, Sudatel and Yemen Mobile all saw subscribership race past this milestone in 2007.

2007 also saw an explosion in the availability of both low- and high-end devices. More than 350 devices were introduced on a commercial basis. Today, more than 82 very low-end (VLE) CDMA2000 handsets (under $50 USD wholesale) are available globally from 19 suppliers, a trend which is transforming communications in developing markets. EV-DO enabled laptops and high-end devices were also introduced. Plus, more than a dozen WorldMode(tm) devices were new to the market.

Perhaps most important to the designation of 2007 as a critical year for CDMA is the number of CDMA2000 1xEV-DO Revision A (Rev. A) deployments that took place. At the beginning of the year, only three operators had deployed Rev. A technology. Now, 26 operators worldwide have upgraded to Rev. A and another 31 operators are in the process of upgrading. Operators with working Rev. A networks have witnessed a substantial increase in their data revenue.

In addition, CDMA has found a home in new spectrum allocations. China Unicom made a successful bid to operate 3G in Macau and rolled-out its first CDMA2000 1xEV-DO network there in October. PCCW-HKT Telephone won a 15-year license to deploy and operate CDMA2000 in the 800 MHz band in Hong Kong. Meanwhile, several operators in the United States are considering CDMA2000 to offer Advanced Wireless Services (AWS) in the 1.7/2.1 GHz frequency band.

On the 450 and 700 MHz fronts, the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) reached a landmark decision to use the two bands for 3G and next-generation mobile services. The CDG expects this decision to fuel further deployments of CDMA2000 around the world. CDMA2000 is also moving ahead on the public safety front; leading infrastructure providers are offering Rev. A broadband equipment to support federal, state and local government public safety and first responder organizations.

More information on CDMA is available at

About CDMA2000

CDMA2000 is the most widely deployed 3G technology, with 250 operators in 100 countries, including 83 CDMA2000 1xEV-DO systems, serving more than 417 million subscribers. Counting 2G cdmaOne(tm) subscribers, there are more than 431 million CDMA users worldwide. CDMA2000 has become the technology of choice for developed and emerging market operators, and is deployable in the 450, 700, 800, 1700, 1900 and 2100 MHz bands. More than 1,910 CDMA2000 devices from 107 suppliers have been introduced to the market, including more than 492 EV-DO and 43 Rev. A devices. More information on CDMA2000 is available on the CDG Web site at

About CDG

The CDMA Development Group is a trade association formed to foster the worldwide development, implementation and use of CDMA2000 technologies. The more than 130 member companies of the CDG include many of the world's largest wireless carriers and equipment manufacturers. The primary activities of the CDG include development of CDMA2000 features and services, public relations, education and seminars, regulatory affairs and international support. Currently, there are more than 500 individuals working within various CDG subcommittees on CDMA2000-related matters. For more information about the CDG, contact the CDG News Bureau at +1-714-540-1030, or visit the CDG Web site at

The CDG logo is available at

Note to editors

cdmaOne is a registered trademark of the CDMA Development Group. CDMA2000 is a registered trademark of the Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA-USA). All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

