The results of activities for the IV quarter and financial year of 2007

JSC “Kauno tiekimas” financial statements for the IV quarter and                
for the year of 2007 are drafted in accordance with International Financial     
Reporting Standards.                                                            
The income of IV quarter 2007 amounted to LTL 117,460,694 (EUR 34,018,968),     
increased by 33,8 percent as compared to the IV quarter of 2006, when income was
LTL 87,786,620 (EUR 25,424,763).                                                
The income of the financial year 2007 decreased by 35,6 percent and amounted to 
LTL 417,380,639 (EUR 120,881,788, (2006 - LTL 647,990,246, or EUR 187,670,947). 
The unaudited net profit in 2007 - LTL 377,632 (EUR 109,370), decreased by 20   
percent as compared to year  2006, when net profit was LTL 472,066 (EUR         

Irena Kebleriene                                                                
General Director                                                                
+370 37 473744

Pièces jointes

2007m.tarp.fin.atsk.anglu k..pdf