Draft resoliutons of Shareholders Meeting of 21 March 2008

The following draft resolutions will be presented for the shareholders to vote: 
Item 1 of the Agenda: “The conclusions of AB Klasco audit” - to approve the
conclusions of AB Klasco auditor UAB Ernst & Young of the 2007 year. 
Item 2 of the Agenda: “The annual report and the approval of AB Klasco
financial statements of the 2006 year” - to approve AB Klasco financial
statements of the 2007 year. 
Item 3 of the Agenda: “On the approval of allocation of Klasco profit (loss) of
the 2007 year”- to approve the allocation of Klasco profit (loss) of the fiscal
year 2007 as follows: retained profit (loss) at the beginning of the reporting
period LTL 68 715 thousand; net profit (loss) of the reporting period LTL 13
514 thousand; total profit (loss) for distribution LTL 82 229 thousand; profit
share allocated for dividends LTL 23 000 thousand (6 661 thousand EUR; 1,815 Lt
(0,525 EUR) per share); profit share allocated for annual bonuses (tantiemes)
to be paid to members of the Board and Supervisory Council, employee bonuses
and other purposes LTL 1 380 thousand; retained profit (loss) at the end of the
reporting period LTL 57 849 thousand . 
Item 4 of the Agenda: “On the election of auditors firm and the setting of
payment for audit services” - to elect and set ERNST & YOUNG Baltic UAB to do
audit of 2008 and 2009 and to pay not over LTL 120 000 per year; 
Item 5 of the Agenda: “The recall of the board member” - to recall Geraldas
Statulevicius from the board. 
Item 6 of the Agenda: “The election of the board member” - to suggest into the
board Juozas Benetis. 

PA to President

Pièces jointes
