Course of Annual General Meeting

This document is an unofficial translation of the Danish original. In the event
of any inconsistencies, the Danish version shall apply. 
OMX Nordic Stock Exchange, Copenhagen
Nikolaj Plads 6
DK-1007 Copenhagen C


	13 March 2008
Stock Exchange Announcement no. 6/2008

Lokalbanken i Nordsjælland a/s' Annual General Meeting on Wednesday, 12 March
2008 at the FrederiksborgCentret in Hillerød  -  course of the Annual General

The Bank's Annual General Meeting was held in accordance with the announced
agenda comprising the items 1-6. 

The Annual General Meeting proceeded as follows:

Re 1-3
The Annual General Meeting approved the Supervisory Board's report, annual
report and proposed distribution of profit, including dividend payment of DKK 4
per share, or 20%. 

Re 4
The Annual General Meeting re-elected the following to the Committee of
Knud Dahlgaard, Veterinarian
Lars Jonsson, Farm Owner
Knud Nielsen, Executive Officer
Lars Bloch Bak, Veterinarian
Lennart Weber, PR Manager, resigned from the Committee of Shareholders.
The Committee of Shareholders then consists of 17 members.

Re 5
As auditors, the Annual General Meeting re-appointed:
Deloitte Statsautoriseret Revisionsaktieselskab, Copenhagen
The alternate, CBN-Revision, represented by Carsten Bjørn Nielsen, State
Authorised Public Accountant, Birkerød. 

Re 6
The proposal to authorise acquisition of own shares with a nominal value of up
to 10% of the share capital was adopted. 

Otherwise, no other information did in the view of the Bank arise from the
Annual General Meeting that may influence the pricing of the Bank's shares. 

Yours faithfully

Lokalbanken i Nordsjælland a/s
The Executive Board

Bruno Riis-Nielsen

Pièces jointes

selskabsmeddelelse nr. 06 2008 course of the annual general meeting.pdf