Portfolio of own shares

|                                                                17 March 2008 |
| Københavns Fondsbørs                           |                             |
| Nikolaj Plads 6                                |                             |
| 1007  København K                              |                             |

Stock exchange announcement no 7/2008                                           

Lokalbanken i Nordsjælland a/s - portfolio of own shares                        

Pursuant to section 28 of the Danish Securities Trading Act we advise that      
Lokalbanken i Nordsjælland a/s has increased its portfolio of own shares to     
135.164 shares, corresponding to 5,01 % of the share capital.	                  

Yours faithfully                                                                

Lokalbanken i Nordsjælland a/s                                                  
Executive Board                                                                 

Bruno Riis-Nielsen

Pièces jointes

document2008-03-17-100927 engelsk.pdf