AB Klaipedos juru kroviniu kompanija (registration address Zauerveino str. 18 Klaipeda LT-92122, company code 140346267) Ordinary General Shareholders' Meeting convened on 21 May 2008 at 2:00 p.m. has resolved: 1. To approve the conclusions of AB Klasco auditor UAB Ernst & Young of the 2007 year. 2. To approve AB Klasco financial statements of the 2007 year. 3. To approve the allocation of Klasco profit (loss) of the fiscal year 2007 as follows: retained profit (loss) at the beginning of the reporting period LTL 68 715 thousand; net profit (loss) of the reporting period LTL 13 514 thousand; total profit (loss) for distribution LTL 82 229 thousand; profit share allocated for dividends LTL 23 000 thousand (6 661 thousand EUR; 1,815 Lt (0,525 EUR) per share); profit share allocated for annual bonuses (tantiemes) to be paid to members of the Board and Supervisory Council, employee bonuses and other purposes LTL 1 380 thousand; retained profit (loss) at the end of the reporting period LTL 57 849 thousand. 4. To elect and set ERNST & YOUNG Baltic UAB to do audit of 2008 and to pay not over LTL 120 000 per year; 5. Geraldas Statulevicius to recall from the board. 6. Juozas Benetis to elect into the board. G.Veitiene PA to President 8-46-399175
Resolutions of AB Klaipedos juru kroviniu kompanija Ordinary General Shareholders' Meeting
| Source: Klaipedos Juru Kroviniu Kompanija AB