GC Rieber Shipping will host a Capital Markets Day for investors, research analysts and financial relations on Wednesday 4 June 2008 from 01:00 to 04:30 p.m. followed by a social gathering in the evening.
The Capital Markets Day will take place at Skipsbyggerhallen, Solheimsgaten 11, Bergen. GC Rieber Shipping's executive management will participate and provide updates on all business areas. The executive management and the Chairman of the Board will also be available for questions throughout the day.
A detailed programme with themes and speakers is expected to be completed by mid-May. Through the programme the company wants to communicate its plans for utilising GC Rieber Shipping's financial capacity to develop the company's activities within offshore subsea and other business opportunities related to exploration and extraction of petroleum, including in Russia and other Arctic environments.
A dinner at Cornelius Restaurant will be hosted after the presentations. The company will provide transport by boat to the restaurant, which is located on a small island outside Bergen. Transport back to Bergen in the aftermath of the dinner (09:00 p.m.) will be provided. The boat will make a stop at the Flesland pier for those who are travelling out of Bergen by plane the same evening.
If you wish to participate at GC Rieber Shipping's Capital Markets Day, please register within 20 May with Crux Kommunikasjon, attn. Lars Jørgen Ytrehus, at the following e-mail address: lars.ytrehus@crux.no, detailing your name, e-mail address/phone number and who you represent.