FormueEvolution II A/S - admission to trading and official listing with issuance of new shares

|                                      |             Copenhagen, 22 April 2008 |
FormueEvolution II A/S - admission to trading and official listing with issuance
of new shares                                                                   

Please be informed that FormueEvolution II A/S has been admitted to trading and 
official listing on OMX Nordic Exchange Copenhagen with effect from 25 April    
2008 in the following ISIN code:                                                

| ISIN                   | Name                     | Orderbook ID             |
| DK0060121242           | FormueEvolution II       | 53610                    |

The company's GICS Classification is as follows:                                

| Sector               | 40                   Financials                       |
| classification:      | 40 20              Diversified Financials             |
|                      | 40 20 30         Capital Markets                      |
|                      | 40 20 30 10    Asset Management & Custody Banks       |

In the Nordic List FormueEvolution II will be included in the SmallCap-segment. 

For further information please see the published prospectus and announcement of 
21 April 2008 regarding the progress of the issue.                              

For further information, please contact: Helene Gaustad Jeppesen, Surveillance, 
tel. +45 33 93 33 66                                                            
ISIN: DK0060121242 (VP: 6012124)                                                

| Name:                                 | FormueEvolution II                   |
| Volume before issue:                  | 50 shares (DKK 500,000)              |
| Issue:                                | 48,146 shares (DKK 481,460,000)      |
| Volume after issue:                   | 48,196 shares (DKK 481,960,000)      |
| Subscription period (both days        | 31 March 2008 - 17 April 2008        |
| inclusive):                           |                                      |
| Subscription price:                   | DKK 10,150 free of brokerage         |
| Dividend:                             | Full for 2008                        |
| First day of listing:                 | 25 April 2008                        |
| Face value:                           | DKK 10,000                           |
| Short name:                           | FEII                                 |
| Share type:                           | AKTIE                                |

GENERAL INFORMATION                                                             

| Name/bearer:                          | Bearer                               |
| Voting rights of listed capital:      | Full                                 |
| Financial year:                       | 1 January - 31 December              |
|                                       | First accounting year:               |
|                                       | 6 December 2007 to 31 December 2008  |
| Unlisted capital:                     | DKK 0                                |
| Issuing bank:                         | Sydbank A/S                          |
| Trading lot:                          | 1                                    |
| Estimated Average Daily Turnover      | DKK 3,000,000                        |
| (ADT):                                |                                      |
| CBR NO:                               | 31 08 38 42                          |
| GICS:                                 | 40 20 30 10                          |
| Type:                                 | 0                                    |

Pièces jointes

formueevolution ii - intro ske 2 - uk.pdf