Attached please find below text as PDF file. Dampskibsselskabet ”NORDEN” A/S _______________________________________________________________________________ OMX Nordic Exchange Copenhagen A/S Announcement no. 22 Nikolaj Plads 6 24 April 2008 1067 Copenhagen K Page 1 of 1 Major shareholder announcement According to section 29, subsection 1, of the Danish Securities Trading Act - NORDEN hereby reports that Credit Suisse Securities (Europe) Ltd., Credit Suisse International and Credit Suisse (Zurich) have disclosed to NORDEN that their joint total holding of NORDEN shares has been reduced - from nominally DKK 2,361,876 (corresponding to 5.29% of the total nominal NORDEN share capital) - to nominally DKK 2,118,357 (corresponding to 4.75% of the total nominal NORDEN share capital). Kind regards, Dampskibsselskabet ”NORDEN” A/S Ivar Hansson Myklebust Executive Vice President & CFO Contact at tel. +45 3315 0451: Ivar Hansson Myklebust, Executive Vice President & CFO. _______________________________________________________________________________ Dampskibsselskabet ”NORDEN” A/S 49, Amaliegade DK-1256 COPENHAGEN K
Dampskibsselskabet ”NORDEN” A/S - Major shareholder announcement
| Source: Dampskibsselskabet NORDEN A/S