The profit of DKK 249.5 million after tax and minority interests meets expectations for the year. TK Development continues to expect profits to increase to about DKK 300 million after tax for the 2008/09 financial year. On 24 April 2008, the Supervisory Board of TK Development A/S considered and adopted the 2007/08 Annual Report. The key points are given below: • TK Development recorded a profit of DKK 249.5 million after tax and minority interests, compared to a profit estimate of DKK 240-250 million and a profit of DKK 249.4 million the year before. • Management considers the profit for the year to be satisfactory. • Consolidated equity totalled DKK 1,533.8 million at 31 January 2008, corresponding to a solvency ratio of 37.7 %. • The return on equity was 19.2 % for the 2007/08 financial year. • The Group's project portfolio developed as planned. The project portfolio increased by 51,000 m² (net) to 1,212,000 m² at 31 January 2008, distributed on handed-over projects of 195,000 m² and new, added projects of 246,000 m². • In the first half of 2007/08, TK Development exercised its option to acquire half the stake in Euro Mall Holding A/S held by the Investment Fund for Central and Eastern Europe, thus increasing its shareholding to 90 %. • For the 2008/09 financial year, the Group expects to generate a profit after tax of about DKK 300 million. 2007/08 - a year of intense activity In the 2007/08 financial year, TK Development handed over projects totalling 195,000 m², and maintained a high activity level in both the Northern and the Central European markets. The projects handed over include the Spinderiet shopping and district centre in Valby, Denmark, of 37,100 m²; Galeria Biala in Bialystok, Poland, of 46,000 m²; Targówek Retail Park in Warsaw, Poland, of 24,400 m²; Ostrava Retail Park in Ostrava, the Czech Republic, of 10,300 m²; the extension of the Plejada Shopping Centre in Sosnowiec, Poland, of 3,600 m²; Vantaanportti Retail Park, phase II, in Helsinki, Finland, of 11,650 m²; as well as retail parks in several of the Group's markets totalling 26,100 m². Projects were sold to such companies as Ejendomsinvesteringsselskabet Dades A/S, Meinl European Land Ltd., Credit Suisse Asset Management Immobilien Kapitalanlagegesellschaft, GE Real Estate Central Europe, St. Martins Property Corporation Ltd. as well as several private investors. Satisfactory progress in the Group's projects The Group's ongoing projects have shown satisfactory progress. Ongoing construction is progressing as planned, the letting of the Group's ongoing and planned projects is generally proceeding satisfactorily, the expected public authority permits have been obtained, and the Group has entered into agreements to sell a number of its projects to both international and private investors. The Group continues to focus on the use of forward funding. At 31 January 2008, more than 90 % of the investments in the Group's ongoing sold projects were financed by forward funding, with investors paying successively in step with completion of construction. The Group expects to sell a large plot of land in Poland in the course of 2008/09. Moreover, the Group expects additional income from the sale of land in Denmark next year. Difficult market conditions in Poland due to overheating of the construction sector meant that two shopping centre projects had to be postponed. The Prague Outlet Centre (Fashion Arena) in Prague opened in November 2007. As mentioned in the interim report for the first half of 2007/08, a DKK 85.0 million reversal was made in respect of an impairment loss recorded in a previous year for the land for this project. Construction of the Group's first housing project in Poland, the Tivoli Residential Park in Warsaw, began in spring 2007. New projects of 246,000 m2 in 2007/08 As well as handing over projects, the Group added a satisfactory number of new projects to its portfolio in the 2007/08 financial year. Covering 246,000 m², these additions resulted in a 51,000 m2 net increase of the project portfolio, which totalled 1,212,000 m² at 31 January 2008. The Group has continued expanding existing markets to optimize TK Development's present market platform. In Sweden, the Group and the Swedish housing developer JM AB have entered into a cooperation agreement with SKF Sverige AB to develop SKF's former factory area in the old part of Gothenburg. The project comprises a total floor space of 75,000 m². TK Development will be in charge of developing the 45,000 m² for a shopping centre and services/commercial use, while JM AB will have responsibility for the 30,000 m² of housing. Moreover, through a qualification procedure, TK Development has been selected to build a new commercial centre in the municipality of Danderyd near Stockholm. The Group has acquired a right to buy an area of land in Hyvinkää for the construction of the Group's first shopping centre project in Finland, which will thus cement its position in this market. The Group has also acquired plots of land to build retail parks and other projects in both the Czech Republic and the Northern European markets. In addition, TK Development has acquired a large tract of land in Warsaw, Poland, to build 900-1,000 residential units and thus continue the positive development in this segment. The Group's project portfolio The main elements of the Group's project portfolio are set out below: 31 Jan. 2006 31 Jan. 2007 31 Jan. 2008 Project portfolio (DKKm) Gross project portfolio 2,862 2,039 2,777 Of which, forward funding 638 590 832 Carrying amount of project portfolio 2,224 1,449 1,945 Development potential in '000 m²: Sold projects 289 351 264 Remaining projects 720 810 948 Total project portfolio 1,009 1,161 1,212 Number of projects 90 94 86 Outlook for 2008/09 TK Development continues to expect profits to increase to about DKK 300 million after tax for the 2008/09 financial year, corresponding to a return on equity of almost 20 %. This announcement of annual financial results is available on TK Development's website Any questions relating to this preliminary announcement of 2007/08 annual financial results may be directed to Frede Clausen, President and CEO, on telephone no. 8896-1010.
Preliminary announcement of 2007/08 annual financial results - TK Development A/S
| Source: Agat Ejendomme A/S