Consolidated Annual Accounts for the year ended 31 December 2007

Please see attached

For differences between SIA Apex Investments' unaudited and audited financial   

| Unaudited Statements                 | Audited Statements                    |
| Finance income LVL 168,055.          | Finance income LVL 293,361.           |
|                                      | Difference LVL 125,306 - income from  |
|                                      | interest rate swap agreement fair     |
|                                      | value adjustment.                     |
| Corporate income tax LVL 26,919.     | Corporate income tax LVL 45,715.      |
|                                      | Difference LVL 18,796 - deferred      |
|                                      | income tax liability recognized       |
|                                      | according to tax not charged to       |
|                                      | income from interest rate swap        |
|                                      | agreement fair value adjustment.      |

Pièces jointes
