Nafn/Name: FL Group hf. Dagsetning viðskipta/Date of transaction: 21.05.2008 Kaup eða sala/Buy or Sell: Kaup/Buy Tegund fjármálagernings/Type of instrument: Hlutabréf/Shares Fjöldi hluta/Number of shares: 2,181,638,368 Gengi/Verð pr. Hlut/Price: 6,68 Fjöldi hluta eftir viðskipti/Primary insider's holdings after the transaction: 2,344,801,641 Dagsetning lokauppgjörs/Date of settlement: 29. maí 2008 Ástæður viðskipta/Reason for transaction: Viðskiptin tengjast tilboði til hlutahafa FL Group sem lagt var fram þann 9. maí 2008 og tengist fyrirhugaðri afskráningu hlutabréfa FL Group úr kauphöll OMX Nordic Exchange Iceland. The transaction relates to the offer made to FL Group shareholsders that was posted on 9 May 2008 in relation with the proposed delisting from the OMX Nordic Exchange Iceland.