The African market generates substantial upgrade orders for Teligent within Messaging & Charging.

Teligent announces today additional orders from the African market
with a total value of more than SEK 50 million. Existing
installations within the areas of Messaging and Service Delivery &
Charging have generated further substantial upgrades for Teligent."I'm very proud that Teligent is part of the positive development of
our African customers business; with a high growth of their customer
base, Teligent additionally contribute to a continuous enhancement of
their service offering which makes it more attractive to the end
customers" says Henrik Sund, CEO and President of Teligent.

For further  information:

Henrik Sund
CEO and President
Teligent AB
Tel. +46 8 520 660 00

About Teligent
Teligent (TGNT, Stockholm Stock Exchange) is a global supplier of
value added services to telecommunications carriers. The offering
includes e.g. traditional and Next Generation Messaging and advanced
IN solutions supporting data capabilities, such as Mobile Office/IP
Centrex, Mobile Prepaid and Mass Calling. All solutions are based on
the generic Teligent Application Server - a true single platform
concept for convergent service development and conforming to the 3GPP
IP Multimedia Subsystems (IMS). The company's solutions are currently
utilised in various configurations by a large number of leading
carriers worldwide, including BT, Deutsche Telekom, MTS, Maroc
Telecom, SingTel, SMART, Telenor, TeliaSonera, Verizon and Vodafone.

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