-- Best Production BI Application - Utz Quality Foods Utz coordinates the sales and production of more than 20,000 pounds of potato chips every hour, and manages more than 700 delivery routes to 30,000 stores. Timing is crucial, which is why Utz uses BI technology to coordinate the timing among its production, marketing, sales, and distribution operations. WebFOCUS is at the heart of a system that allows managers to quickly gather and analyze current sales and distribution information. The BI environment delivers daily sales breakdowns in a form that is easy for busy salespeople to digest. This information helps them manage their routes and improves visibility throughout the supply chain, positioning Utz as a leader in its market. -- Most Innovative BI Implementation - City of Houston Police Department BI technology is making steady inroads into law enforcement, as government agencies discover the power of intelligence-driven policing. The Houston Crime Center is using technology from Information Builders and ESRI to create a dynamic geographic information system (GIS) that maps crime patterns and predicts the likelihood of crime activity throughout the city. The BI environment has led to quicker arrests and more thorough criminal investigations. -- Best New Enterprise BI - Ace Hardware With more than 4,600 stores throughout the U.S., Ace continues to expand and adopt more advanced information technology. IT leaders realized they could improve corporate efficiency by standardizing on one comprehensive BI environment. Ace selected WebFOCUS as its enterprise-reporting standard for its ability to create cohesive, user- friendly reports that scale to thousands of users. Ace estimates more than 2,000 users will be running or writing WebFOCUS reports on a daily basis. -- Best Use of iWay Software - BT Recently, the telecom giant sought to eliminate inefficiencies and costs associated with cross-border trade settlements by providing communications for Euroclear's Common Communications Interface. BT asked iWay Software for help creating a secure messaging gateway that enables straight-through processing over standard business protocols. BT's Managed Secure Messaging used iWay's SOA Middleware Platform to deliver a reliable messaging service that features complete security, guaranteed delivery, non-repudiation, auditing, encryption, and integrated access controls. -- Customer Lifetime Award - JCPenney The well known retailer has partnered with Information Builders since February 1978 and 30 years later, store associates across the country continue to rely on its BI technology. JCPenney utilized the FOCUS product during the 1980s and early 1990s as the primary means for reporting merchandising sales and profits. In 2000 the retailer implemented WebFOCUS, continuing its investment in Information Builders' innovative solutions. Today, JCPenney remains a loyal customer with the implementation of a new application to help monitor its day-to-day store operations.About Information Builders As a leading independent business intelligence (BI) company for the past 30 years, Information Builders has provided innovative solutions to more than 12,000 customers, including most of the Fortune 100 and numerous U.S. federal government agencies. The company's flagship WebFOCUS product is the world's most widely used BI platform. Superior architecture and intuitive nature enables WebFOCUS to address the needs of everyone in the extended global enterprise -- executive, analytical, operational, and beyond. It provides the agility to adapt to changing business conditions with the security, scalability, and flexibility to support dozens to millions of users. Unique to the company is the integration expertise it brings to the BI market. Information Builders iWay Software suite solves complex integration problems with pre-built components that require minimal custom programming. The award-winning combination of WebFOCUS and iWay give Information Builders customers the ability to embrace the company motto: "Because Everyone Makes Decisions." Information Builders is committed to customer service excellence with a Professional Services division that specializes in building custom applications using WebFOCUS and iWay Software. Headquartered in New York City with 90 offices worldwide, the company employs 1,450 people and has more than 350 business partners. Visit http://www.informationbuilders.com.
Contact Information: Press Contacts: Kathleen Moran Information Builders (917) 339-6313 Sheila Bohan Emerge PR (617) 729-3185