Almarome Donations Keep Vitamin Angels Protected in All Corners of the World

SANTA BARBARA, CA--(Marketwire - June 5, 2008) - Although traveling aboard can have its perks, you get to see new places and experience new cultures, it can also be dangerous.

More than the threat of terrorist activity and economic turmoil, the prevalence of disease is growing worldwide, making it essential for anyone traveling aboard to take preventative measures to safeguard their health even before boarding the plane.

"Getting sick is probably one of the biggest setbacks you can encounter while traveling abroad," says Howard Schiffer, founder and president of Vitamin Angels, a nonprofit that has been providing vital nutrition and fighting vitamin A deficiency around the world since 1994. "I make sure to cover all of my bases before leaving on a distribution trip because I never know what I may encounter."

In an effort to keep Schiffer and those who travel with him protected, Almarome, a company that offers essential oils based on the French school tradition, has started donating The SHIELD Essential Oil Protection Kit. The kit is designed to promote the therapeutic and medicinal side of essential oils to help fight against harsh travel conditions. The SHIELD will become part of the standard travel pack for Vitamin Angels, whose vitamin distribution trips take Schiffer to some of the most impoverished areas around the world including India, Malawi and Nepal.

"Vitamin Angels distributes vitamins to places where sanitation and hygiene are largely non-existent," says Corinne Adrion-Israelsen, founder of Almarome. "While Howard and Vitamin Angels are saving children around the world, The SHIELD is saving Howard."

In addition to providing protection to Schiffer and his team, Almarome is also donating $5 from every purchase of The SHIELD to Vitamin Angels' "Operation 20/20" campaign to eradicate childhood blindness due to vitamin A deficiency worldwide by the year 2020.

In the last three years, Vitamin Angels has distributed over 300 million vitamins and other supplements in over 80 countries worldwide. Last year, Vitamin Angels distributed vitamins and other supplements to reach over 7 million children, lactating mothers and babies in 40 countries worldwide. To learn more about Vitamin Angels and "Operation 20/20" visit

Contact Information: Media Contact: Amy Summers 727-848-1618 ext. 202 Pitch Inc.