Teligent plans to hold a first extraordinary shareholders' meeting and proposes to reduce the share capital

As reported earlier, Teligent has applied for a Company
reorganisation. The Board has in connection with this prepared a
balance sheet for liquidation purposes, which shows that the equity
of the Company is below 50% of the registered share capital. At a
Board meeting held 7 August 2008, the Board decided to hold a so
called first extraordinary shareholders' meeting according to the
 Company Act rules on forced liquidation.

As a means to ensure that the ongoing company reorganisation is
implemented, the Board suggests that the shareholders' meeting take a
decision not to put the Company into liquidation.

To facilitate the restoration of the share capital, the Board
proposes that the shareholders' meeting decide to reduce the
registered share capital by 90 %, without any withdrawal of shares.
This will lead to an unchanged number of shares while the face value
of the shares will be reduced from 10 öre to 1 öre. The Board also
proposes to lower the articles of association's limits for share
capital in order to facilitate the reduction of the share capital.

Finally, the Board proposes that the shareholders' meeting authorises
the Board to make decisions regarding new issues of shares,
convertibles or warrants within the limits of the capital limits of
the articles of association. The intention of the authorisation is to
be able to add the necessary capital to the Company in order to -
within the frame of the company reorganisation - pay a composition
dividend to the Company's creditors and facilitate the implementation
of the company reorganisation.

The shareholders' meeting will be held 11 September 2008. The notice
wil be posted in Svenska Dagbladet and Post- och Inrikes Tidningar 14

For more information, please contact:

Jan Rynning                                           Henrik Sund
Chairman of the Board, Teligent AB                    CEO And Group
Tel. +46 8 520 660 00                                 Managing
                                                      Teligent AB
                                                      Tel. +46
                                                      8 520 660 00

This information was distributed for publication 12 August 2008 at

About Teligent
Teligent (TGNT, Stockholm Stock Exchange) is a global supplier of
value added services to
telecommunications carriers. The offering includes e.g. traditional
and Next Generation Messaging
and advanced IN solutions supporting data capabilities, such as
Mobile Office/IP Centrex, Mobile
Prepaid and Mass Calling. All solutions are based on the generic
Teligent Application Server - a true
single platform concept for convergent service development and
conforming to the 3GPP IP
Multimedia Subsystems (IMS). The company's solutions are currently
utilised in various configurations by a large number of leading
carriers worldwide, including BT, MTS, Maroc Telecom, SingTel, SMART,
Telenor, TeliaSonera, Verizon and Vodafone. For more information,
please visit

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Press release PDF.pdf