Interim report January - June 2008

* The Group's net sales for the period amounted to MSEK
    369.9 (253.2).

  * The Group's result after tax for the period was MSEK -0.5 (18.7),
    equivalent to SEK 0.00 (0.07) per share.

  * The Group's net sales for the second quarter 2008 amounted to
    MSEK 197.1 (125.9). The Group's result after tax for the second
    quarter 2008 was MSEK -5.6 (13.7).

  * The Parent Company's result after tax for the period was
    MSEK -22.8 (7.6), equivalent to SEK -0.08 (0.03) per share.

  * The Parent Company's result after tax for the second quarter 2008
    MSEK -20.3 (6.5), equivalent to SEK 0.07 (0.02) per share.

  * Equity in the Parent Company as per 30 June 2008 amounted to
    MSEK 482.7 (528.2), equivalent to SEK 1.69 (1.85) per share. The
    equity ratio was 96 (100) percent.

Development in the investment portfolio
Polstiernan Industri increased net sales by 46 percent to MSEK 369.9
(253.2). Operating profit amounted to MSEK 31.8 (22.8).

Metrima showed a positive operating result for the first half year

After the end of the period, on 18 July 2008, Ledstiernan signed an
agreement to divest all of its shares in the portfolio company
Millennium Media Group AB. The transaction brought a capital gain of
approximately MSEK 98 and an increase in liquid funds of MSEK 121.
This transaction will be accounted for during the third quarter 2008.

Additional information regarding the portfolio companies can be found
on pages 4-5.

Ledstiernan AB (publ) is a venture capital company with the business
concept, as an active owner to help growth companies realize their
potential with a view to attain maximum long-term value growth. The
portfolio comprises 5 core investments. The Company's shares are
listed on the OMX Nordic Exchange.

For full report se down below (pdf)

Pièces jointes

Interim report January - June 2008.pdf