Healing the World Piece by Peace -- New Storybook of Poetry Reveals Hope for Personal and Public Healing

ELGIN, S.C., Sept. 18, 2008 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- In a world besieged with war, unrest, racism, disease, love and death, how does one attain personal and global healing? Join author Elaine Jackson and go on an alluring poetic journey of life, healing, and reflection in Healing the World Piece by Peace.

This book contains original poetry written in storybook form and consists of five chapters. Each chapter talks about current and past affairs of personal tragedy, world issues like abuse, poverty, war and everyday turmoil and triumphs of life. Healing the World Piece by Peace is full of inspiration, motivation and hope for a future of personal and global healing. It includes many deeply touching poems that will make readers cry, thus, giving the author the nickname of "The Tissue Box Writer".

Healing the World Piece by Peace is a beautiful testimony of the author's personal triumph over tragedy and the desire to share ideas with the world on disturbing issues that keep us in turmoil and at odds with one another. It is a brokerage for hope, peace and the fulfillment of one's dreams. The fascinating topics contained in this book are written in a unique and creative manner, using simple words easy to understand by any reader. This is also excellent reading for Christians and Religious Groups, advocates of world peace. Anyone looking for motivation will be inspired by this uplifting poetry of true victory through God.

About the Author

Elaine Jackson is legally blind and has inspired many with her story of the events leading to her dramatic change of life. She has found healing through poetry and has won awards and publications in numerous anthologies. Elaine is the owner of "Writefully Speaking" a business of writing personalised poetry. She has previously self-published poems entitled "The Highest Praise". The author has also received words of encouragement through letters form President Clinton, Oprah, Montel Williams, Susan Polis Schutz and many others.

         HEALING THE WORLD PIECE BY PEACE * by Elaine Jackson
                  Publication Date: July 12, 2006
         Trade Paperback; $8.50; 108 pages; 978-1-4257-0603-6
         Cloth Hardback; $18.00; 108 pages; 978-1-4257-1323-2

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