Meet The Magical Reindeer -- New Book Follows the Adventures of a Deer and a Girl Who Both Stumble Into Santa Claus

JERSEY CITY, N.J., Sept. 18, 2008 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The spirit of Christmas adventuring is back and children of all ages are about to experience an enjoyable story from author David Ocasio as Xlibris announces the release of his full-color, children's book The Magical Reindeer.

The Magical Reindeer tells a story about how through a mishap, along with the magic of miracles, jolly old Saint Nick became the bearer of good tides. It begins in a magical forest where a young fawn stumbles upon a lost little girl. While hoping to discover why the girl had been crying, an angel visits them and tells them what is causing trouble to the girl. Soon enough, the angel bestows the deer with the power to fly and bring the girl along. Along the way, they bump into Santa Claus in the North Pole who has a problem just as Christmas is approaching fast. Can the deer and the girl help Santa before it's too late? Read the book to find out.

To order a copy of David Ocasio's The Magical Reindeer, be sure to visit your local bookstore or log on at today.

About the Author

During his early youth, David Ocasio had the privilege of spending some time with some truly extraordinary individuals. These men and women had been more than gracious in sharing their life experiences with him. Throughout his life, often when dealing with children and teens, and also with adults, the author discovered that an entertaining, well-told story is much better received than a long-winded lecture; this favorable response, as well as the encouragement of many mentors from youth to present have been an inspiring factor.

                    The Magical Reindeer * by David Ocasio
                     Publication Date: September 27, 2004
             Picture Book; $14.99; 32 pages; 978-1-4134-2896-4

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