Issuer: BYR sparisjóður, kt: 610269-2229, Borgartún 18, 105 Reykjavík Date of admission: 18.11.2008 Symbol: BYR 09 0107 ISIN-code: IS0000016970 Orderbook ID: 61067 Bond type: Bills Market: OMX ICE DP Fixed Income Size limits: ISK Issued: 1.500.000.000 ISK Denomination: 5.000.000 ISK Issue date: 07.07.2008 First due date: 07.01.2009 Number of due dates: 1 Maturity date: 07.01.2009 Interests calculated from: N/A First interest payment date: N/A Number of interest payments: N/A Interest: N/A Indexed: N/A Name of index: N/A Base index value: N/A Dirty price / Clean price: N/A Day count convention: Actual/360 Call option: No Put option: No Convertible: No Market making: BYR sparisjóður Credit Rating (rating agency, date): No Securities depository: Verðbréfaskráning Íslands Issued electronically: Yes OMX ICE member responsible for admission to trading: BYR sparisjóður