16 February 2009 Under a group-wide share based incentive program, Straumur-Burdaras Investment Bank hf. (Straumur) has today granted its employees and management options to buy a total of 650.000.000 shares in Straumur ("Share Options"). Thereof members of the Management Committee were granted 296.000.000 Share Options. The objectives of the incentive program and the principles for granting options are set out in Straumur's remuneration policy as approved by the Annual General Meeting on 15 April 2008. The Share Options are structured in the following manner: Exercise price: The Exercise price of the Share Options is ISK 1.67. The Exercise price is based on the average trading price for the previous twenty trading days leading up to the Award date. Award date: 16.02.2009 Exercise period (vesting): The Share Option will vest in three equal tranches (1/3) on the first, second and third anniversaries of the Award date. The Share Options are valid until the fifth anniversary of the Award date. Share Option Life: The Share Options Life expires five years after the Award date. The Share Options expire if an awarded employee resigns or employment is otherwise terminated. Exercise style: Once vested, the Share Options can be exercised until the end of the Share Option Life except during restricted regulatory-driven periods. This announcement is made pursuant to article 2.16 of the Rules for Issuers of Financial Instruments, issued by NASDAQ OMX ICELAND HF. For further information contact: Georg Andersen Senior Vice President, Head of Corporate Communications Tel: +354 585 6707 E-mail: georg@straumur.com
Straumur-Burdaras Investment Bank hf.- share-based incentive program
| Source: Straumur-Burðarás Fjárfestingabanki hf.