The results of activities for the IV quarter and financial year of 2008 and interim information for this year

JSC „Kauno tiekimas“ financial statements for the IV quarter and for the year of
2008 are drafted in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standarts.
- the revenue in Quater 4, 2008 amounted to LTL88.1m (EUR25.5m) and decreased by
LTL29.4m (EUR8.5m), i.e. 25 percent in comparison to the revenue of LTL117.5m   
(EUR34.0m) in Quater 4, 2007.                                                   
- in 2008, the revenue amounted to LTL428.2m (EUR124.0m). Compared to the       
revenue of LTL417.4m (EUR120.9m) in 2007, the increase accounts for LTL10.8m    
(EUR3.1m), i.e. 2.6 percent.                                                    
- in 2008, the unaudited profit of the Company from ordinary activities         
increased by LTL4.8m (EUR1.4m), i.e. 176.3 percent as compared to the profit    
from ordinary activities in 2007 and accounted for LTL7.5m (EUR2.2m).           
- in 2008, the unaudited loss before tax came up to LTL5.4m (EUR1.6m). The      
Company's losses were incurred from financial and investment activities. The    
slump in share value resulting from the financial recession made a negative     
impact on the financial and investment activities of the Company.               

Irena Keblerienė                                                                
General Director                                                                
8-37 473744

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interim information 2008.pdf