Annual report 2008

Reported to NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen on 7 April 2009.
(The Danish version has been reported to NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen on 31 March 2009)

Unsatisfactory financial performance for Landic Property Bonds I A/S

The financial performance for the financial year 2008 amounts to a loss of DKK
44 million before tax. The profit before tax and before value adjustments
amounts to DKK 20 million which is at the level of expecta-tions. 

Value adjustments of investment properties and debt, net affect profit for the
year before tax by negative DKK 64 million. 

By the end of the year, equity amounts to DKK 262 million against DKK 295
million the year before. 

The activities in the Group comprise all SAS' Danish domicile and training
properties in Amager, and have in all other respects proceeded as planned in

The Supervisory Board considers the profit for the year before tax

The activities are expected to be unchanged in 2009 with revenue of DKK 70
million as well as a profit be-fore tax and value adjustments of DKK 20

Please address questions relating to this announcement to Company Secretary
Klaus T. W. Lund on tele-phone +45 3378 4000. 

This is an unauthorised translation of the Danish original document. In the
event of inconsistency, the Danish version shall apply. 

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fbm_32_annual report 2008 - uk.pdf