JSC “NORVIK BANKA” will repay the Bank's issued notes under ISIN LV0000800654. JSC "Norvik Banka" announces to repay its notes issue volume of 33.700 (thirty three thousands and seven hundred) according to the Bank's Notes Issue Prospectus Clause.5.2.8 on April 20, 2009. The principal of the notes will be repaid as a lump sum at the date of maturity of the notes. Note holders will receive EUR 100.00 for each note. Record date - at the end of business day on April 17th 2009, when the Note holders list will be fixed. SPECIFICATION: JSC „NORVIK BANKA” would like to specify its issued notes (ISIN LV0000800654) settlement date. Final settlements will take place on 22nd April 2009 (in compliance with LCD Regulations No.8 “On Dividends, Interest, Principals and Other Income Payments” JSC “NORVIK BANKA” has to get generalized List of Note holders for the purposes of taxation. This list will be available on 21st April 2009). The Record date and the Repayment date are remained unchanged - the Records is fixed on 17th April 2009 and the Repayment - on 20th April 2009. Financial Institutions Department JSC „NORVIK BANKA” Tel +371 67011467, 67041178 Fax +371 67041196 E-mail: marija.gulajeva@norvik.lv
CORRECTION: JSC „NORVIK BANKA” will repay its notes issue (debt securities) on April 20, 2009 (Final Settlement Date Specification)
| Source: Norvik Banka
Profil de l'entrepriseNorvik BankaIndustrie: Banks
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