Global Kids Honored to Participate in Mayor Bloomberg's NYC Service Learning Initiative

NEW YORK,, April 20, 2009 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Global Kids Inc. has issued the following statement in recognition of today's announcement of the launch of NYC Service, Mayor Michael Bloomberg's initiative to promote Service and Service Learning in the schools and communities of NYC:

"Global Kids is honored to participate in NYC Service. We commend the Mayor for calling on New Yorkers to contribute their time and talent in service to their communities and for recognizing the value and necessity of Service Learning as a key component of every young person's education.

"For almost two decades, Global Kids has actively engaged New York City youth in learning about -- and taking action on -- such key issues as poverty, education, and access to health care -- in New York and around the world. These vibrant young people have demonstrated that, in small ways and large, they can contribute to making the world a better place. Moreover, these students have developed knowledge, skills, and values necessary for academic success as well as effective citizenship.

"Global Kids was privileged to be charged with developing Teen Action, the Service Learning curriculum now being implemented at more than 60 after-school program sites across the City.

"The Mayor's NYC Service Initiative will assure that every child in New York City will have the opportunity to create and implement on-the-ground service projects that, together, will contribute to developing concrete solutions to the challenges we face in our communities and as citizens of the world. We laud the Mayor's commitment to making Service an integral part of the NYC curriculum."

Global Kids ( Founded in 1989 and an independent nonprofit since 1993, Global Kids educates and inspires urban youth to become successful students and global and community leaders. Global Kids reaches more than 16,000 youth -- the vast majority of whom come from underserved communities -- through leadership programs at 14 New York City public high schools, and its citywide program. Over ninety percent of the high school seniors who participate in Global Kids' leadership program graduate from high school. The organization engages hundreds of thousands of others through its pioneering youth-produced digital media program. It also provides professional development for educators seeking to integrate civic engagement, service learning, global education, and/or digital media into classroom and afterschool programs.

The Global Kids, Inc. logo is available at


