Interim report for AudioDev AB

Interim report for AudioDev AB

January 1 - March 31, 2009
(Figures in brackets relate to January - March 31 2008)

•	Net sales totalled SEK 12.6 million (14.7)
•	Profit/loss after financial items amounted to SEK -18.2 million (-15.8) 
•	Net profit/loss for the quarter totalled SEK -18.3 (-12.7)
•	Profit/loss per share, after dilution, was -1.09 (-0.76) 
•	The order backlog totalled SEK 7.1 million (23.2) at the end of the quarter

The Swedish Securities Market Act and/or the Swedish Securities Trading Act
requires that AudioDev AB
release this information. This information was made public at 3.20 pm on April

For more information please contact:

Christer Sjöström, Chief Executive Officer, Tel: +46 40 690 49 00, Mobile: +46
705 45 64 55

Anna Thelander, Chief Financial Officer, Tel: +46 40 690 49 42, Mobile: +46 709

AudioDev is a world-leading supplier of complete solutions for quality control
of optical
media and of inspection systems for quality assurance in the manufacture of thin
layers and
films. The group's products for quality assurance and production efficiency are
under the brands ETA™, CATS™ and GO!™. Customers include manufacturers of
media, flat panel displays and other industrial applications where thin layers
need to be
quality assured as regards colour determination, thickness measurements, density
more. AudioDev has a complete offering that includes high precision analyzers,
analyzers for
production control, extensive customer support, training and TestCenters around
the world.

Net sales in 2008 were SEK 116 million, with the largest markets being in the
US, Asia and Europe.
The head office is in Malmö, Sweden AudioDev has been listed on the NASDAQ OMX
exchange since September 2000.

Pièces jointes
