Published to the NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen via Company News Service on 30 April 2009. Minutes from Annual General Meeting on 30 April 2009. 1. Election of Chairman of the Meeting. Klaus T. W. Lund was elected Chairman of the Meeting. The Chairman declared that the total share capital was present and with the agreement of the General Meeting, that the General Meeting formed a quorum and nobody objected to the legality of the General Meeting. 2. The Supervisory Board's review of the Company's operations in the past year. The consolidated income statement shows a loss of DKK 157,5 million (2006/07: negative DKK 6.5 million), and the consolidated balance sheet shows equity at 31 December 2008 of negative DKK 146.6 million (2006/07: DKK 3.8 million). The loss for the period has materially shown as the result of negative value adjustments of investment properties, debt and derivatives of net negative DKK 180.2 million (2006/07: negative DKK 54.6 million) and exchange adjustment of negative DKK 68 million on intercompany accounts due to a weakening of SEK. Operating profit before value adjustments on investment properties, debt and derivatives, net and tax amounts to negative DKK 18.1 million which is lower than expected (2006/07: DKK 37.7 million), due to the exchange adjustment mentioned above. The Supervisory Board considers the profit for the year before tax unsatisfactory. The company re-submitted the restructuring plan on a new bondowners meeting. At the meeting 76.8% of the issued bonds were present. The proposed changes to the bond conditions were adopted unanimously. Reference is made to the Executive Summary published as stock exchange announcement no. 40 on 29 April 2009. 3. Presentation of annual report for adoption. The audited annual report was presented and adopted unanimously and with all votes. 4. Resolution to spend profits or cover losses according to the adopted annual report. The Supervisory Board recommended that profit for the year be transferred to next financial year. The recommendation was adopted unanimously and with all votes. 5. Election of Supervisory Board members. The full Supervisory Board was up for election. Gunnar Már Petersen (Chairman), Michael Sheikh, and Klaus T. W. Lund were re-elected. 6. Appointment of auditor. Deloitte Statsautoriseret Revisionsaktieselskab was re-appointed unanimously and with all votes. 7. Amendments to the articles of association. The General Assembly approved unanimously and with all the votes the proposed change of domicile and the included change to the articles of association. 8. Any other business. Nobody wished to speak. The General Meeting was closed. Please address questions relating to this Notice to Company Secretary Klaus T. W. Lund on telephone +45 3378 4000.