Straumur - Call for a meeting with creditors, 5 June at 10pm 2009

3 June 2009

With reference  to Article  13 of  the Act  on Bankruptcy,  etc.,  No
21/1991 creditors of Straumur-Burðaras Investment Bank hf. (Straumur)
are hereby  called to  a meeting  which will  be held  at 10:00am  on
Friday 5 June  2009, in the  conference hall on  the second floor  of
Hilton Hotel Nordica, Suðurlandsbraut 2, Reykjavík.
At this  meeting  the  status  of  the  company  and  plans  for  the
reorganisation of  its  finances  will  be  laid  out.  The  view  of
attending creditors will be sought as regards these plans.

Hörður Felix Harðarson, Supreme Court Attorney, assistant during the
moratorium process.

For further information contact:
Georg Andersen
Head of Corporate Communications
Tel: +354 585 6707
Profil de l'entrepriseStraumur-Burðarás Fjárfestingabanki hf.Industrie: Investment Services