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SEMPO Institute Intros 2 New Courses: Link Building & Social Media

WAKEFIELD, Mass., July 8, 2009 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- SEMPO Institute, the distance learning division of SEMPO (Search Engine Marketing Professional Organization),, today announced it is adding two new courses to its popular Effective Search Marketing online classes: "Linking and Brand Management" and "Social Media."

Both courses are live online and available for immediate registration at The courses are part of SEMPO Institute's Effective Search Marketing series and are $299 each.

"SEMPO Institute's growing menu of short courses fits the demands of busy search marketers who want to hone in on a particular topic that correlates with their job responsibilities, in order to increase their skills and add even further value to their client work," says Adam Cohen, partner in Rosetta, a leading U.S. interactive agency, and a member of SEMPO's Social Media course review team.

As an organization, SEMPO is addressing the impact of the proliferation of social media, from an education and editorial perspective. SEMPO recently released the first in a series of point-of-view opinions, this one focusing on social media. It is accessible at

"The SEMPO short course on Social Media is a must for all marketers who need an efficient way to learn how search and social media are increasingly intersecting," says Noah Elkin, senior analyst, eMarketer, and co-chair of SEMPO's Emerging Technologies Committee. "Social media's impact on search is growing exponentially, as consumers now find search results in a number of formats, from text to images, video and user-generated content. SEMPO's social media course will help marketers learn how to leverage different forms of social media and integrate them into search campaigns," he adds.

Course Info

"SEMPO Institute's first short course, Effective Search Marketing: Keywords and Copywriting, has been a great success. We began the series with keywords and added "Linking and Brand Management" because they are the building blocks of effective search marketing, whether B2B or B2C," says SEMPO Institute Managing Director Katie Donovan.

"Effective Search Marketing: Linking and Brand Management"

The course will cover how to obtain high quality links from a variety of sources, including link recovery, directories, social media and expert articles. It will explain how to develop compelling content and how to effectively promote the content to traditional and online media in order to attract links, and include discussion on the use of humour, interactive games, podcasting and video as tools for link attracting. Students will also learn what to consider before purchasing text links and paid methods such as brokers, ad space, sponsorships, newsletters and reviews.

Course attendees will learn the value of brand reputation monitoring and management, brand management methods and procedures, competitor tracking, and how best to respond to feedback in various online channels.

"Effective Search Marketing: Social Media"

This course will examine the gamut of social media and employ case studies to illustrate the right and wrong way of using social media to fulfill marketing objectives. Since each social media channel has its own rules of engagement, the course will help marketers learn what you need to consider with each channel in order to get the buzz out for your company or client.

Developing an effective social media strategy is a key part of the course which will cover digital media assets, defining and engaging your target market, and how social media integrates with search engine optimization (SEO) and search advertising to social media.

Students will also examine Twitter in depth, as a social media archetype. They will examine the opportunities, risks and obligations of Twitter, and how this information can be applied to all social media marketing.

Lastly, students will learn how to use social media for reputation management and for quickly correcting public relations problems. Case studies will be used to demonstrate right and wrong methods.

About SEMPO Institute

SEMPO Institute is a non-profit, online career development organization, whose purpose is to educate and train professionals in the growing field of search engine marketing. Supported by SEMPO, SEMPO Institute's courses are developed by experts in search marketing and then peer-reviewed for accuracy and best practices. Since its first course in January, 2007, SEMPO Institute has educated more than 2,000 individuals in search marketing. SEMPO Institute's courses are available to SEMPO members and the general public. For more information, please visit or call +1 (781) 876-6214.

The SEMPO Institute logo is available at

About the Search Engine Marketing Professional Organization (SEMPO)

SEMPO is a global non-profit organization serving the search engine marketing industry and marketing professionals engaged in it. Its purpose is to provide a foundation for industry growth through building stronger relationships, fostering awareness, providing education, promoting the industry, generating research and creating a better understanding of search and its role in marketing. Representing thousands in 39 countries, SEMPO has more than 820 members. It represents the common interests of companies and consultants worldwide and provides them with a voice in the marketplace.SEMPO's education and outreach initiatives are funded in part by Microsoft, Yahoo!, Google,, SMX, Search Engine Strategies, MediaPost and For more information or to join the organization, please visit

