Reference is made to the conditional offer (the “Offer”) from Aker Seafoods to repurchase a bond loan listed in Iceland, ISIN No: IS 0000010874, as set out in an offer document dated 2 July 2009 (the “Offer Document”). At the Acceptance Period in the Offer ended at August 10, 2009 at 18:00 CET, Aker Seafoods ASA har received acceptance regarding sale of more than 99 percent of the bonds, equivalent to ISK 3.970 million of an outstanding total of ISK 4.000 million. For further information, please contact: Yngve Myhre, CEO, Aker Seafoods ASA. Telephone +47 24 13 01 60 Gunnar Aasbø, CFO, Aker Seafoods ASA. Telephone +47 24 13 01 60