Owner options to Board members and management in NovaCast Technologies AB

Owner options to Board members and management in NovaCast Technologies AB

Rudolf Sillén converts Class A shares to Class B shares

Hans Svensson, Rudolf Sillén and Mariegården Investment AB have released 115.000
new options on existing shares to Board members and management in the NovaCast
group. At the same time, all 315.000 options released earlier have been
cancelled, with the exception of 20.000 released to previous Chairmen of the
Board, Göran Kroon and Peter Augustsson. Owners have released a total number of
options on 135.000 Class B shares. Hans Svensson privately and through
wholly-owned companies has released options on 85.000 shares, Rudolf Sillén on
20.000 and Mariegården on 30.000. The total number of released options has been
distributed in the following way:  

							Number of shares

Bo Hedenström, Chairman of the Board		20.000 
Jan Erik Dantoft, Board member			10.000 
Hans Wikman, Board member			10.000 
Lars-Olof Strand, Board member			10.000

Rolf Mastenstrand, CEO, Camito AB			15.000
Janni Dimovski, CEO, CTC and SwePart		20.000
Peter Vomacka, CEO NovaCast Foundry Solutions	15.000
Kent Bengtsson, CFO for group			15.000

Previous Chairmen of the Board, Göran Kroon and Peter Augustsson own 10.000 each
with a duration until 20100630.

Each new option entitles the acquisition of one share with a duration until
20120701. Exercising the right to buy shares is dependent on how the NovaCast
shares develop and whether the concerned party continues to be involved within

NovaCast's founder and previous Board member, Rudolf Sillén, has converted all
of his 97.028 Class A shares to Class B shares. The total number of A Class
shares in NovaCast will thereafter be 1.770.111 and the number of Class B shares
will be 11.837.050. 

For further information contact:
Hans Svensson, group CEO,  NovaCast Technologies AB, +46 457 386 302 or 
+46 705 65 2250, hans.svensson@novacast.se.

NovaCast Technologies, listed on the OMX Nordic Exchange (NCAS B), develops and
markets enhanced castings for the production of car body parts, as well as
software for methoding, simulating and process control for more efficient
production processes to the global automotive industry and its subcontractors.
With the Camito technology enhanced castings are manufactured in one solid piece
for the production of dies for forming   stamping automotive body components in
a considerably shorter time than traditional dies. Through die manufacturer
SwePart the group has expertise within the whole value chain for the production
and sales of stamping dies.

More information is available on www.novacast.se

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