Consolidated non-audited rezults of JSC “Alita“ for the first half of 2009 year

JSC “Alita“ sustained of LTL 14.2 million (EUR 4.1 million) consolidated
pre-tax losses for the first half of 2009 year. During the same period of last
year the result was LTL 5.1 million (EUR 1.5 million) pre-tax losses. 
Consolidated sales revenue for the first half of 2009 year amounted to LTL 66.3
million (EUR 19.2 million), and decreased by 29 percent in relation to the same
period of the previous year. 
Authorized to provide information: Alina Mieziuniene, Accountant-general, +370
315 57233 

Audrone Barbuskiene
+370 315 57212

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interi_report_i_half_2009.pdf konsoliduota ataskaita_0827_angl.pdf confirmation_0827l.pdf