Cardiopulmonary Corp. Expands Offerings With Introduction of Bernoulli TLC for LTAC Hospitals

MILFORD, Conn., Sept. 4, 2009 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Cardiopulmonary Corp., (CPC) the developer of Bernoulli(r) Enterprise, today announced a configuration designed and priced specifically for long term acute care (LTAC) hospitals. The new solution, Bernoulli TLC, is the latest CPC initiative in real-time centralized patient monitoring. Bernoulli(r) TLC has many of the performance characteristics of CPC's flagship product, Bernoulli(r) Enterprise, offering centralized surveillance of diverse medical devices, and remote alarm notification.

CPC created Bernoulli TLC to meet the needs of facilities that specialize in post-acute care, a level of care that sometimes follows acute hospitalization. The solution is scaled commensurate with the needs of LTAC facilities providing a cost effective means to centrally monitor and manage patients on invasive or non-invasive ventilators and/or pulse oximeters.

Bernoulli TLC provides concurrent monitoring of the ventilation, oxygen levels, and pulse rates of patients. When measurements fall out of facility-specified ranges, the solution transmits medical device alarms to a centralized workstation, and to the pager of a designated clinician. Clinicians receive vital patient data in real-time and can more quickly and easily respond to alarms which can reduce patient risk and improve outcomes.

"Remote patient monitoring can meet an important need of long term, acutely ill patients by improving recognition and response to changes in a patient's status resulting in a safer environment and improved outcomes," stated Kevin Flynn, EVP of Sales & Marketing.

Included in the alarm management solution is alarm filtering to mitigate nuisance alarms, customization of alarm notifications, and escalation according to unit defined priorities. In addition, users can generate flow sheets, produce reports, and generate event logs.

About Cardiopulmonary Corp.

Cardiopulmonary Corp. is a leader in enterprise level medical software. CPC's flagship product, Bernoulli(r) Enterprise is a complete device connectivity software solution that acquires, displays, and distributes managed alarm messages and integrated patient data from multiple vendors of medical and non-medical devices.

Bernoulli's scalable open platform is deployable using existing IT infrastructure for networks and communications in wired or wireless configurations. It offers a seamless integration with existing ADT/EMR systems to populate electronic flow sheets via HL7. Bernoulli has FDA 510(k) clearance as a Class II medical device for use in clinical settings.

