Integrity Media: Strength Through Diversity

LAS VEGAS, Sept. 22, 2009 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Monday was an interesting day for PrismOne Group Inc. (OTCBB:PMOZ) as the company issued news of another contract, this time with a real estate development in Florida. What's most interesting about this release and the others that have preceded it is their diversity. PrismOne appears to be finding traction in a great many arenas, where its technology is earning the confidence and dollars of management. These singular achievements carry a weight of their own indeed, but the true value may be the growing mosaic of the PMOZ news feed that expresses an ability to penetrate in a wide variety of business markets.

A report and profile featuring PrismOne Group Inc. (OTCBB:PMOZ), a company that provides a unique enterprise communications technology solution, has been released at the link below. The profile is of interest to investors of communication technology peers SoundBite Communications, Inc. (Nasdaq:SDBT), Ikanos Communications, Inc. (Nasdaq:IKAN), ICO Global Communications Limited (Nasdaq:ICOG), and Spreadtrum Communications, Inc. (Nasdaq:SPRD).

The report is available at

In the past few months PrismOne has announced contracts with a clothing company, a credit card merchant service company, an environmental company, and more.

More on PMOZ: Already profitable, PrismOne is successfully generating high margin revenue without any overt marketing effort thus far. Q4'08 sales of $365k ($1.5mm/annum Run Rate -- 200% growth over 2007) have validated the superior service/features/value proposition for clients. This highlights the path forward toward domestic growth. The company is currently projecting revenues for Q1'09 to exceed $950k (300% of Q1'08) -- further validation of the company's expanding appeal, and expects to have 6 additional vertical clients launched by end of '09, generating revenues in excess of $3mm. The company projects that its clients will average $350k p.a., at 65% net operating margin.

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Statements herein may contain forward-looking statements and are subject to significant risks and uncertainties affecting results. is property of Integrity Media Inc. (IMI). IMI provides no assurance as to the subject company's plans or ability to effect proposed actions and cannot project capabilities, intent, resources, or experience. The subject companies haven't always approved the statements made in this report. This report is neither a solicitation to buy nor offer to sell securities and is for information purposes only and shouldn't be used as basis for investment decisions. IMI isn't an investment advisor, analyst or licensed broker dealer and this report isn't investment advice. IMI has been paid $30,000 and 20,000 shares of PMOZ for this report and other services by Emerging Markets Consulting (EMC), a financial relations consultant to PrismOne/PMOZ. Paid reports constitute a conflict of interest as to IMI's ability to remain objective in communication regarding subject companies.

