Transocean Ltd. Ranked Among World's Top 50 Companies in Latest Carbon Disclosure Project 2009 Global 500 Report

ZUG, Switzerland, Sept. 22, 2009 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Transocean Ltd. (NYSE:RIG) today said it has been ranked among the world's top 50 companies in the recently issued Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) 2009 Global 500 Report.

For the second consecutive year, Transocean was featured in CDP's "Carbon Disclosure Leadership Index." This prestigious index, a key component of CDP's annual Global 500 Report, which represents 475 institutional investors with $55 trillion in assets under management, highlights the constituent companies within the FTSE Global 500 Index which have displayed the most professional approach to corporate governance in respect of climate change disclosure practices.

Companies are scored on their climate change disclosure and high scores indicate good internal data management and understanding of climate-change related issues affecting the company.

In addition to this listing, Transocean also ranked as one of the top three companies in the new CDP Performance Scoring Initiative for the energy sector along with Royal Dutch Shell and Total. Transocean was also recognized as the top-performing energy sector company in the CDP's S&P 500 Performance Scoring Initiative.

"I am delighted to see Transocean listed in the leadership index, which demonstrates that our overall environmental-improvement efforts, in particular, emissions management, are being recognized," said Adrian Rose, Vice President, Quality, Health, Safety and Environment.

The index, compiled by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) on behalf of CDP provides an evaluation tool for institutional investors. It comprises 50 constituents of the Global 500 Index based on analysis of the responses to CDP's 2009 Questionnaire which focused on greenhouse gas emissions, emissions reduction targets and risks and opportunities associated with climate change.

The Global 500 Report, including names of companies featured in the Carbon Disclosure Leadership Index, can be found at

About Transocean

Transocean Ltd. is the world's largest offshore drilling contractor and the leading provider of drilling management services worldwide. With a fleet of 135 mobile offshore drilling units plus eight announced ultra-deepwater newbuild units, the company's fleet is considered one of the most modern and versatile in the world due to its emphasis on technically demanding segments of the offshore drilling business. The company owns or operates a contract drilling fleet of 41 High-Specification Floaters (Ultra-Deepwater, Deepwater and Harsh-Environment semisubmersibles and drillships), 26 Midwater Floaters, 10 High-Specification Jackups, 55 Standard Jackups and other assets utilized in the support of offshore drilling activities worldwide.

The Transocean Ltd. logo is available at

About CDP

The Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) is an independent not-for-profit organization holding the largest database of corporate climate change information in the world. CDP gathers data through its annual Information Requests on behalf of institutional investors, purchasing organizations and government bodies. Since its formation in 2000, CDP has become the gold standard for carbon disclosure methodology and process, providing essential climate change data to the global market place.

Investor CDP represents some 475 institutional investors, with combined assets under management in excess of $55 trillion. CDP also works with private and public sector organizations to facilitate the collection of climate change data from their supply chains, as well as with local government to drive emissions reduction and sustainable development in key cities around the world. More than 2,500 major corporations around the globe report their greenhouse gas emissions and the risks and opportunities posed by climate change through CDP.

The Carbon Disclosure Project is a Registered Charity (no. 1122330). In the United States, CDP's sponsor liaison is Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, which provides CDP with 501(c)3 charitable status.

