Report On Energy Efficiency Released

LAS VEGAS, Oct. 9, 2009 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- A Murphy Analytics report and profile featuring PrismOne Group Inc. (OTCBB:PMOZ) and detailing its achievements in creating state-of-the-art energy efficiency systems has been released. This report is of potential interest to investors of other energy efficiency companies Acorn Energy, Inc. (Nasdaq:ACFN), General Electric Co. (NYSE:GE), Power Integrations (Nasdaq:POWI), and Johnson Controls, Inc. (NYSE:JCI).

The report is available at:

From the report: As presented later in the (Murphy Analytics) report, the Department of Energy estimates that buildings consume more energy than any other sector of the U.S. economy, including transportation and industry. The U.S. Green Building Council, developer of the LEED certification, estimates that the green technology opportunity for 2010 will reach $30 - $60 billion for new residential, institutional and commercial construction, and $240 billion for renovation of U.S. buildings, over 50% of which were constructed before 1979. As evidenced by the recent operating results and business development achievements announced by PMOZ, the Company is making significant progress in capitalizing on this market opportunity. Building upon its networking and communications expertise, PMOZ develops integrated systems that provide clients with better information, scalability, reliability and enhanced control of assets and operations. This expertise provides opportunity for PMOZ in the new construction of smart buildings and homes and in the renovation of existing structures and networks for clients looking to cut costs and gain greater control over communications and building automation systems.

An updated profile of PMOZ addressing its entry into the green/energy efficiency market has been published at:

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