Correction to quarterly report

Correction to quarterly report

Order intake and order backlog for NovaCast considerably better than reported

In the interim report for nine months that was published yesterday order intake
for the third quarter and hence order intake for the whole reporting period,
were erroneous. Instead of a reported order intake of 11,8 MSEK for the third
quarter, the correct figure should be 37,0  MSEK , which means an accumulated
order intake of 83,2 MSEK instead of the reported 58,0. The correction is
completely related to the Automotive business area and is as follows: 

Order intake		

			Reported	Corrected

Quarter 1		26,2		26,2	

Quarter 2		20,0		20,0		

Quarter 3		11,8		37,0		

Accumulated	58		83,2

Outgoing order backlog remains unchanged at  36,3. It should be noted that
currently only written order requests are included, not framework agreements,
which was the case in previous periods. 

NovaCast regrets the mistake, which was caused by an unfortunate formula mistake
in the calculation model. A corrected version of the report can be viewed on our

NovaCast Technologies, listed on the OMX Nordic Exchange (NCAS B), develops and
markets enhanced castings for the production of car body parts, as well as
software for methoding, simulating and process control for more efficient
production processes to the global automotive industry and its subcontractors.
With the Camito technology enhanced castings are manufactured in one solid piece
for the production of dies for forming   stamping automotive body components in
a considerably shorter time than traditional dies. Through die manufacturer
SwePart the group has expertise within the whole value chain for the production
and sales of stamping dies.

For further information from NovaCast contact Hans Svensson, CEO NovaCast
Technologies AB, +46 454 751030 or +46 705652250. 

Visit our website

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