Integrity Media Report: The Explosion of the App

LAS VEGAS, Nov. 30, 2009 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Maybe Apple didn't realize all the possibilities for the iPhone when they launched the device with an exclusive contract with AT&T. Though Apple has made few mistakes on its path to greatness, it is difficult to assume they could've foreseen an Apple App Store that has grown to over 100,000 apps of inventory. All while a slew of T-Mobile and Verizon users among others have their noses pushed up to the app glass, wishing they too could download all the iPhone offerings.

The App Store's popularity and the possibility that the iPhone may eventually be available to other carrier's customers - with app sales then growing exponentially- begs the question if the App Store could be another Amazon or eBay at some point. And with the exploding popularity of apps on the Apple platform and burgeoning markets like Google and its suite of phones ready to take off, the app market is certainly a potential goldmine for app-centric business plans.

Enter Metiscan, Inc.'s (Pink Sheets:MTIZ) Taptopia, a provider of mobile software solutions for iPhone and iPod Touch Apps available in the Apple App Store. Taptopia can extend solutions to other popular consumer and enterprise mobile platforms using mobile client, web, and SMS technologies. Taptopia is carving a niche in the event and convention space with an app that allows attendees and exhibitors of events such as the upcoming IAEE Expo! Expo! 2009 to navigate event details, exhibitor information and the exhibit floor before, during, and after the event from their Apple iPhones(r) and iPod touches(r).

Please visit for more information.

A profile featuring Taptopia's parent company Metiscan, Inc. (Pink Sheets:MTIZ) and of interest to investors of app related companies Apple, Google, AT&T, and Verizon Communications is available at

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