Finnforest Kerto-Ripa elements for a wooden multi-storey building in Växjö, Sweden

Finnforest will supply Kerto-Ripa® elements for the intermediate floors of an
ancillary building for Växjö University in Sweden. The three-storey low-energy
house is based on a multi-storey building system, consisting of wooden
pre-fabricated elements, developed jointly by Moelven and Finnforest. 

The main advantages of the multi-storey building system based on wooden
structures include fast construction, lightness, and overall
cost-effectiveness. Moreover, building with wood is very environmentally
friendly. Wooden structures are eco-efficient throughout their life cycle, have
a small carbon footprint and minor environmental effects caused through

The new multi-storey building system consists of a factory produced post and
beam frame, and roof elements and intermediate floors. “Trä8”, the name of the
system, refers to the building's free span of eight metres, providing the
architect greater freedom when designing the building's interior and exterior

The building's gluelam posts, beams, as well as the roof elements are supplied
by Moelven. Peab, a leading Nordic construction company, is in charge of the
construction project. 

Växjö, located in Småland, has over 80,000 residents, and is a showcase for
modern Swedish wooden construction - the first five-storey wooden house was
built in Växjö in 1995. 
Växjö aims to be the greenest city in Europe, and the city is involved in,
among other projects, the Sustainable Energy Systems in Advanced Cities (SECAC)
project of the EU. 

Moelven, a leading Scandinavian supplier of wood-based construction products
and services, sells Finnforest products in Denmark, Sweden and Norway. 

Further information:
Esa Kosonen, Director, Building Solutions, tel. +358 50 598 9562