Identity Protection 2.0

LAS VEGAS, Dec. 18, 2009 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- We've all seen the bold marketing campaigns of LifeLock or heard the gregarious jingles of Compelling they are as they force us to ponder the safety of our precious identities ... and finances.

But one emerging equity believes that it has the better mousetrap in the space, a panacea that goes well beyond the credit boundaries it perceives in the aforementioned market leaders. ID Watchdog, Inc. (TSX-V:IDW) (Other OTC:IDWAF) is focused on the glaring statistic that only 1 out of 5 identity thefts are credit related and that the consumer needs a more robust solution to ensure safety.

A deeper look at ID Watchdog also reveals a different kind of protection, one that also extends past the company's proprietary database and patent pending solutions. Perhaps what stands out foremost is ID Watchdog's 'rehab' service in which it pledges to help its customers if and when an identity theft occurs. It's Identity Protection 2.0.

This appears to be clear brand separation for ID Watchdog which has earned praise from consumer groups for this very attribute. In fact, the Consumer Federation of America declared in a 2009 report that, "We were most impressed by ID Watchdog ... they make it clear that their main emphasis is on resolving customers' problems if they are victims. They don't offer insurance, which is of little value, and they also offer help for pre-existing identity theft problems."

The need for protection from identity thieves is obvious and there are market leaders. But recent history tells us that the first entries don't always hold a market forever. In fact, in some instances the early market leaders can be credited with building a primer of awareness for a subsequent superior offering. The MySpace/Facebook scenario comes to mind.

And now consumers looking to protect themselves with robust identity security have a choice in the market that provides not just a shield but potentially an effective remedy.

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