High Priest and Coming King Now Released -- Maurice Hoppe Discusses the Ultimate Destiny of Mankind

DERBY, Kansas, Jan. 4, 2010 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Religious conflict and terrorism. Drastic environmental changes and natural disasters like the 2004 tsunami. Recession and economic uncertainty. The list of troubles plaguing the world goes on. Is there something urgent we need to know? Author Maurice Hoppe presents evidence from Scripture and his conclusion that we have already entered the closing events in the history of this world. Know more about what is in store for humanity in High Priest and Coming King.

It is the aim of this book to provide readers with a clear explanation of why we are in such a troubled world today. To do this, High Priest and Coming King provides readers with an explanation of the great controversy between Christ and Satan that has been in progress for some 6,000 years. The special focus of this work is on the closing scenes of this battle. It will touch briefly on how the controversy began and cover the major events as it has developed through the ages.

It will also focus on the great Second Advent movement that began in the early part of the nineteenth century in the United States with the Millerite movement. Two important themes will be developed in the presentation of this controversy. First is the great love that God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ have for mankind. The second theme will present the work of Satan and his agents-the apostate churches-in their effort to keep the knowledge of this wonderful ministry of Jesus and the hope of salvation away from the people of the world.

In this conflict, no one can be neutral. All will have to take their stand on one side or the other. Your decision will determine your eternal destiny.

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About the Author

Maurice Hoppe was born into a farming family at the height of the great depression. As a young adult, he became interested in knowing what God had in store for his life and pursued a Christian education, obtaining a master's degree in Bible and Systematic Theology with emphasis on Old Testament History. Following a career which included education, health care and management, he became intensely interested in prophecy from a biblical perspective. In 1995, he established Revelation Ministry and later authored three books which were distributed primarily throughout the United States, Canada and Africa. Most recently, he authored a series of correspondence lessons on Bible prophecy, and he and his wife operate a Bible correspondence school from their home. Currently he is the Director of a Training Program for Ministers and Church Leaders and a Training Program for Lay Workers at Steps to Life near Wichita, Kansas.

           High Priest and Coming King * by Maurice Hoppe
                 Publication Date: October 15, 2009
        Trade Paperback; $19.99; 138 pages; 978-1-4415-2543-7
        Trade Hardback; $29.99; 138 pages; 978-1-4415-2544-4

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