On Human Evolution: Biological and Cultural -- Book Offers New Insights to Readers and Reveals the Author's Quest For a Convincing Mathematical Argument For Relativity in Physics

VANCOUVER, Wash., Jan. 5, 2010 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- After being retired from his construction profession, author Cameron Rebigsol has had more time involve himself in writings, which he felt, was quite controversial during his younger age. In his fascinating book, Aqua Soil, he explores topics that have haunted him, particularly the human beings' biological and cultural evolution.

One of the things that have puzzled the author is how Christians and evolutionists are so determined to keep their distance at each other when in fact, the Bible contains strong hints that evolution is part of God's designing process. Evolutionists advocate that life starts from a random collision of some fundamental particles, while Christians now insist that life is a creation behind which a design is far beyond human's comprehension. Rebigsol believes there should be no conflict in between. Through their constant adoration toward God, the Christians incessantly remind the scientists of what a magnificent and boundless auditorium God has provided for their exploration; through their unstoppable searching in the auditorium, scientists are able to perpetually present more evidence to the Christians for them to elevate their adoration toward God.

From biological evolution, the author moves on to cultural evolution, and the rapid changes that could shift the racial balance. He questions labor monopoly-particularly cheap labor which is outsourced and causing America's gradual demise. What can modern American Christians do while a disintegration of their country is in progress: the falling apart of a nation of Christendom, the loss of English-a silver spoon born with in mouth, the ultra rapid seizure of wealth and land but by others? The revelations of what the future could bring will compel readers to think.

In this compelling book, Rebigsol tackles important and relevant issues about biological and cultural evolution, but the one thing that puzzles him the most often is the relativity in physics. While it is regarded as a result of a superb intelligence in the academic world, why must it lead to some mathematical difficulty such as 0=C (speed of light)? To entice volunteers to provide him a thorough discussion on the topic, Cameron Rebigsol offers $50,000 through this book to solicit a convincing solution.

About the Author

After being retired from his construction profession, Cameron Rebigsol has more chances to get involved in writings that he felt quite controversial during his younger age. The typical topics that always haunt him mainly concentrate in the areas of human beings' biological and cultural evolution.

                   Aqua Soil * by Cameron Rebigsol
               Our Evolution, Biological and Cultural
                Publication Date: November 23, 2009
         Trade Paperback; $19.99; 291 pages; 978-1-4415-9284-2
         Trade Hardback; $29.99; 291 pages; 978-1-4415-9285-9
                   eBook; $9.99; 978-1-4500-0247-9

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