Advertising and Influence 2.0

LAS VEGAS, Feb. 1, 2010 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- In the not-so-distant past, Americans sat in comfortable chairs around small fat televisions that preached about products in between sitcom moments. Companies relied heavily on the medium as well as print and radio to gain a consumer’s affection. And just as the televisions have gotten skinnier along with the ad revenue to print media, the Internet has also changed the way individuals receive news and information. It’s a whole new ballgame, one where buyers are more wary of the pure commercial spot and increasingly reliant on peer-to-peer and social media discussions. 

A few companies like BloggerWave Inc. (OTCBB:BLGW), seem to get this and their early entry into new media reliant on individual expression could set the company on a course for success. Already, BloggerWave, which gets the word out about a company by using a universe of popular blogs and bloggers, has landed major accounts with top brands like Sony Ericsson, Coca Cola, m&m’s, H&M, and Citibank. Big names indeed. 

The impact of social media -- as anyone with a FaceBook account or on a YouTube visit can affirm -- is certainly profound. Controlling message in these arenas allows the company to proselytize new consumers and to impact their image and bottom line. It’s both advertising and brand management. 

Soon, every Madison Avenue firm will be adding a social media division to their arsenal. But will it be too late as the veterans in the space command the attention of the prime accounts? BloggerWave has certainly seen the fruits of their pioneering efforts and they will most definitely be way ahead of any newcomers. 

Moreover, BloggerWave’s long vision of the importance and impact of social media, coupled with the agility and ability to penetrate and execute, paints a bright picture of the company’s acumen… and future.

Locate every blog, news item, message board and more for BLGW at

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Statements herein may contain forward-looking statements and are subject to significant risks and uncertainties affecting results. is property of Integrity Media Inc. (IMI). IMI provides no assurance as to the subject company's plans or ability to effect proposed actions and cannot project capabilities, intent, resources, or experience. The subject companies haven’t always approved statements made in this report. This report is neither a solicitation to buy nor offer to sell securities but is for information purposes only and shouldn’t be used as basis for any investment decision. IMI isn’t an investment advisor, analyst or licensed broker dealer and this report isn’t investment advice. IMI has been paid $5,000 by Lake Group Media, a financial public relations consultant to BloggerWave Inc. (BLGW), for this report and related advertising services. Paid reports constitute a conflict of interest as to IMI’s ability to remain objective in communication regarding subject companies.

