Integrity Media: Wherever They May Roam

LAS VEGAS, Feb. 4, 2010 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Over the relatively short lifespan of the modern Internet there have been numerous advents and evolutions. Some, like Amazon or Google, stuck and continue to grow. Others, like "" remind us that not every Internet business could capitalize.

The reality is that there are fads and there are trends, with the most enduring businesses obviously focusing on the latter. And if there is one trend that has emerged most clearly, it's that the Internet is no longer just a desk application, rather it is now a virtual destination to be used or enjoyed from anywhere and ever-increasingly, on those near ubiquitous smart phones.

Remember when 'cellular' phones were so heavy that you had to switch hands every ten minutes? Remember when they first got smaller? Remember when you first got an email on your new 'smart phone?' And now you play games, listen to MP3s, surf the web, take pictures, and share them with the world.

The last part, it appears, is the next generation, where everyone is a content provider/reporter/reader. Already major news outlets are investing considerable energy into citizen contributions like CNN's "iReporter" program. Facebook is rife with mobile uploads as well.

And now, CrowdGather Inc. (OTCBB:CRWG) is intent on taking that user-to-user mobile upload protocol to the broad populations of social message boards, where everything and anything can be shared within an affinity group. It seems a no-brainer perhaps, but remember that satellite and telecommunications companies prosper not by creating content, but by facilitating its transfer from one party to the other. Enabling mobile phone users via its "RoamingThreads" technology to contribute content to their favorite forums is a similar and monetizable connection.

If CrowdGather grabs market share in this burgeoning field of communication it certainly advances the fortunes of the company and perhaps, expedites the trend of individual voices helping to shape the Internet experience for all of us -- no matter where we are. 

Find out what's being said on the web about CRWG at

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