Integrity Media: The BloggerWave of the Future

LAS VEGAS, Feb. 8, 2010 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- At Integrity Media, our publication's mantra has long been "New Ideas for a New Stock Market" as we endeavor to locate the better mousetraps amid the recovery. We're searching for good ideas in growth markets and the nexus of a powerful and proven international advertising agency and an exploding media category meets that criteria. The company is BloggerWave Inc. (OTCBB:BLGW). 

A short time ago, Ted Kennedy's Massachusetts senate seat went to a young candidate that shared very little in common with the late Democrat. And in a state where Democrats outnumber Republicans 3-1, Scott Brown prevailed. According to this article in the San Francisco Chronicle, much of the credit goes to Brown's efficient use of social media and blogs. Brown shunned the brochure-style advertising of the typical web campaign, you know, the flag graphic and the candidate with his sleeves rolled-up picture and copy. Instead, he tweeted and followed up on blogs, shared "LOL" exchanges and made a singular difference over and over. 

If you thought Barack Obama's avant garde campaign techniques turned heads in Washington, Brown's may well have spun them around like the kid in the exorcist. Assuredly, his game plan will be on whiteboards everywhere for the next campaign season. 

Brown's success, like him or not, proves BloggerWave's theory and method, showing others why Coke, Citibank, Sony and other corporate geniuses have retained the savvy firm to carry their message. And those are just a few of the big names to ask BloggerWave to guide them into this new and soon-to-be imperative frontier. By efficiently cultivating bloggers and ensuring that they syndicate a potent message for a client, BloggerWave gives advertising a new dimension. For advertisers, it appears BloggerWave is the usher to a new land of opportunity. For investors, it's assuredly a new idea in a new stock market.

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