Identifying the Opportunity

LAS VEGAS, Feb. 10, 2010 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- In the stock market rarely are powerful news events preceded by a teaser, a glimpse of what's to come. Sure, Apple can't keep a secret and most of the connected world was aware a whole new product category was coming out long before they dropped the iPad on us. But these events are infrequent at best. 

Then again, there is simple inference and logic. Last night's after market news from ID Watchdog, Inc. (Pink Sheets:IDWAF) (TSX-V:IDW) assuredly has enough substance to get the wheels spinning in consideration of what the acclaimed identity protection leader might say down the proverbial road. 

In the release, ID Watchdog announced that they have effectively begun penetration into the lucrative retail sector, expanding upon their historic efforts in other sales venues. What's interesting to note is the enormity of this roll-out, one in which they have enlisted InComm, the industry leading marketer, distributor and technology innovator of stored-value gift and prepaid products. Yep, top-of-the-line identity protection can now be purchased on a gift card. 

Intriguing as the gift card application is, what might be even more interesting is that InComm has access to over 150,000 retail locations that they can use to service their customer's demand with IDWAF projecting entry into nearly 10,000 stores by the end of 2010. That's a huge footprint. 

Already, ID Watchdog has stated that "initial reception and adoption of its idCHECK product among retail stores has been greater than anticipated." And the first store is yet to go live as they will in April when real customers buy real cards. 

This indeed will be an important time for ID Watchdog as it looks to penetrate the enormous retail sector and a new door of opportunity has clearly swung wide. Certainly the news today sets the table for what will be news of great interest to shareholders later on, news that will tell the market how ID Watchdog has done in brick-and-mortar stores. 

See everything said on the web about IDWAF  at;l=6%26amp;;" target="_top" rel="nofollow">

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