a Community of Communities

LAS VEGAS, Feb. 17, 2010 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Access to 2.9 million registered users is a massive amount by any standard. Access to them in their places of virtual comfort, where they congregate to discuss that which is near and dear, is an entirely different story. 

Long before we were all Facebooking each other, or tweeting, or burning our retinas on now ubiquitous iPhones, CrowdGather Inc's (OTCBB:CRWG) CEO was staking a claim in forums and communities, picking up choice pieces for what would someday become the foundation of the company's online portfolio… and those 2.9 million members. CrowdGather was creating a valuable community of communities. 

And then it happened for everyone else. The phrase 'social media' was coined and the word Web 2.0 became part of the lexicon if not a necessity for websites everywhere. But CrowdGather's headstart gave them leverage and Internet real estate that was becoming more and more popular. Moreover, the real estate was in the right place for future monetization, situated in attractive demographics like adult males 18-34 or heavy spenders in gaming, technology, entertainment, leisure and lifestyle. 

Now with those 2.9 million registered users and over 12 million page views monthly, CrowdGather has a unique opportunity to provide paying advertisers with ideal demographic viewers with one strong difference from other non-community sites. These users are immediately viral and actively looking to acquire and exchange information on the clearly defined subject or topic of the forum. Creating an advertising impression with one of these receivers could logically generate not just consumer activity, but an evangelization of the message throughout the forum and beyond. 

Both Main Street and Wall Street know the value of this Web 2.0 strategy now. CrowdGather, proven by a prescient and bold acquisition strategy, knew it when most were still thinking Web 1.0. 

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