Proof Positive

LAS VEGAS, Feb. 18, 2010 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Most small cap companies point toward future success as enticement to invest, your investment today improved by what could be later on. Most have a bright idea, a business plan, and hope that they can execute... someday. 

Very few are ranked #1 in their industry in Europe, #5 already in the United States and can rattle off some of the biggest brands in the world as customers. But BloggerWave Inc. (OTCBB:BLGW) can. 

A recent report from BLGW confirms the unique blog advertising company's firm grip on the European market and its significant success here in the U.S. According to a report by Internet site traffic ranking system Alexa, BloggerWave holds the top spot in Europe and has risen to fifth domestically. 

The ascension to the top of the Social Media Optimization (SMO) category is critical, having both confirmed the company's aptitude and served to give credibility in future sales efforts. Assuredly, this ranking will prove useful in asserting the company's skill set while also demonstrating the increasing need for SMO for major companies. 

Alexa rankings aside, regular viewers of BLGW's news feed shouldn't be surprised by the affirmation. They've seen BloggerWave continue to publish strong news including that it has tripled the number of campaigns from 10 per month to nearly 30 per month while expanding the number of regular bloggers in the company's network to 29,000 and continues to expand by 1500-2000 new bloggers a month.  This of course helps satisfy business from corporate clients like McDonald's, M&M's, Citibank, CocaCola, Sony Ericsson, and Vodafone.  

All this demonstrates growth in a growth industry, two attractive components for any investor and certainly an indication that the innovative company is executing its intriguing business plan.

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