Strength Through Diversity

LAS VEGAS, Feb. 25, 2010 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The axiom "strength through diversity" is often uttered for a litany of things in and out of the financial world. Within stock market realms it frequently refers to various revenue streams pouring into a company. However, it can also define multiple opportunities under one central brand. Such may be the case with Unilava Corporation (OTCBB:UNLA) and its broad package of services. 

Investors often look to growth markets for opportunity. Social networking, wireless, internet telecom, and broadband all come to mind. Add to the mix network towers, roadside assistance, online business directories and advertising and even sales call centers and you've begun to define the varied and unified opportunities under the Unilava banner.  

Moreover, the company is cutting deals and increasing technology assets, positioning itself as an up-and-comer in various arenas. A recent deal to market Wall Street Journal Asia emboldens confidence in Unilava's ad division while other reports denote new offerings in global wireless broadband and telecom. 

Additionally, it's important to note that Unilava has revenue opportunities from enterprise and residential customers, further diversifying within the diversity. The results in the marketplace will be measured in time and marked by successful execution as it transpires. Meanwhile, investors of the dynamic brand will hope that strength through diversity is realized in the value of their investment as well.

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